Excursions & Visitors

Excursions & Visitors

Excursions and Visitors

The preschool goes on one excursion in terms 2, 3 and 4. For your child to attend excursions outside the preschool grounds, we need your written permission. Excursions fees are included in your term fees.

Parents are welcome - in fact needed - on excursions, to help supervise the children and to join in the discovery. There may be a charge for parents and/or siblings attending excursions and this is payable to the teacher director.

When parents bring younger siblings on the excursion, they will need to organise their own transport, as there is no spare room on the bus.

On excursion days, parents supervise and have the responsibilities that teachers have with their child. They are to take the hand of their child before they leave the preschool and are to hold their child's hand whenever they are near water or a road. When they are within the excursion environment they do not have to hold their child's hand but have to be close enough to assist the child if necessary. Children are not to be shared amongst adults but are to stay with the one adult that they are allotted. The excursion day is a learning day and the objective is to extend the child's knowledge and experience.

We have special visitors to the preschool each term. We may have musicians, the insect man and others.

Like excursions, these special events supply experiences that promote learning and assist in developing respect for all living things.
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